In the doula world, Randy Patterson barely needs an introduction. She is a doula, owner of multiple doula agencies, as well as one of the heads of ProDoula, a certification agency that I am certified with.

Randy Patterson is all tattoos and rock n’ roll and sometimes considered a controversial personality, but she’s an expert on working with women and helping them see the power and strength inside of them so they can succeed. I’m honored she took the time to stop in with a guest post.

As a woman myself of almost 50 years, I feel incredibly qualified to share this with you. Before I continue, you must know how passionate I am about the power a woman holds within her.

Keep in mind a woman is capable of great strength and complete tenderness within moments of each other.

Like when she is in labor and she bears down with the strength of 10 men to birth her baby. The second it is in her arms, she is the epitome of softness and tender motherhood.

So, let’s begin- 5 Things I Know About Women:

Women are capable.

Capable of whatever they set their minds to. Typically, the only thing that can hold them back is a lack of confidence. When a woman has the support of an ally encouraging her, she sees no obstacles. She presses forward and she achieves. I know personally that when my confidence is lacking, I procrastinate. I feel most capable when I am encouraged and complimented.

Women love other women.

When I hear a woman say, “I prefer men, women are catty!” I know that they have been hurt. I know that they have felt on the outside of a circle of women. They have not been lifted up by a female friend and they have never been rallied for. While men may say what we like to hear, a close woman friend will say what we need to hear. Women thrive in the space of other strong women! That doesn’t mean there won’t be difficult times. It just means digging deeper and getting past any bullshit.

Women can manage their emotions.

For decades, women have been considered delicate, emotional flowers incapable of holding it together. C’mon! You know that’s not true! You know that in the midst of a crisis a woman steps up. You know that that’s who you want in your corner when the shit hits the fan. Compartmentalizing emotions in order to navigate a situation is precisely what women do best. While we may fall apart once we have it all under control, we CAN control our emotions.

Women have control issues.

Ok. That one might sound negative. But… it’s pretty true. We want to feel secure and controlling situations and sometimes people, in order to create a specific outcome can happen subconsciously for us. This is not about us being assholes, this is about us feeling safe.

Women don’t need relationships to survive!

Crazy, right? But it’s true. We are competent and able to support ourselves financially AND emotionally. We do that by believing in ourselves. Oops. There’s that confidence thing again… When we believe in ourselves, set goals, and do something every single day that gets us closer to those goals, we can have it all!

In the words of Helen Reddy… “I am woman, I am invincible, I am strong. I am woman, hear me roar!”

Thanks to Randy Patterson – The Rock n’ Roll Doula of Northeast Doulas for joining us with her words of wisdom!