It’s no wonder why couples treat hiring a doula as a very important decision. Some people interview MANY doulas until they find just the *right* fit. On the other hand, I’ve been contacted and hired by some people because they liked my blogs or my website simply spoke to them. Either way, it’s a total honor to be invited into someone’s home, where they are building their nest, and then even more so being invited to share in the moment of bringing their baby into the world.
Let’s just say, as a doula, I get to know my clients on a pretty intimate level.
I hope that they can feel relaxed enough around me to feel as if I’m not even there. I want for them to be totally and completely comfortable to be themselves and to do or say whatever they want when I’m around. But, WHO AM I anyway?! It’s not like we spend much time talking about “Megan the Doula“. Our time together is about them and their upcoming little bundle.
So, here we go. A gratuitous post all about ME! All the (25) things you wanted to know about your doula!
1) I grew up in a small English speaking village outside of Montreal, called Knowlton. I haven’t lived there in 15 years but it still feels like home. I even got married there, a few houses down from where I grew up.
2) My favorite colour is eggplant purple. Nobody else feels the same way about purple.
3) I bungee jumped from the highest jump in North America.
4) I’m pretty sure all the best movies were made between 1987 and 1991.
5) My first “real” job was working at a live theatre as box office/usher/makeup assistant/changer of fancy dresses with hard-to-do-up clasps girl. I had already failed at being a cashier at IGA and a lingerie sales girl that summer.
6) I can waterski like it’s 1993.
7) I have the memory of a selective elephant. Tell me a date/number/fact and I will never forget. Ask me to pick something up on the way home and I will pretty much never remember.
8) Somehow I can barely manage to drink 1 glass of water per day, but 5 coffees and a glass or two of wine- check!
9) I met my husband while working onboard a cruise ship. I was working a makeup artist and he was playing in the Rock N Roll band. It was just as romantic as it sounds.
10) My music tastes are truly eclectic. 50s beebop Jazz, 70s folk and rock and 90s dance and pop music are among my favorites.
11) I love to sing but I am absolutely tone deaf. Married to a singer =/= being a singer.
12) I waitressed and bartended for a few years. It prepared me for motherhood: listening to long pointless stories, mopping up spilled drinks, and cutting people off when they’ve had enough (sugar, booze, same thing!)
13) I love writing and have always written throughout my life. Poetry, short stories, journaling, and now blogging. But get me to write 25 things about myself and it will take all day. Go figure.
14) While working on a cruise I managed to see (and get paid to see) the following places: Barcelona (my FAVORITE!), Nice, Monte Carlo, Marseilles, Rome, Naples, Sardinia, Ibiza, Gibraltar, Cadiz, Pompeii, Genoa, Florence, Pisa, Malaga, Lisbon, Vigo and a ton of places in the Caribbean. I will likely never see many of these places ever again. Thanks Royal Caribbean! 😉
15) This is my favorite number because I’m born on the 15th.
16) Of May, which means I’m a Taurus. I am everything you’ve ever heard about Tauruses. Stubborn, loyal, loving, gluttonous, and into the fine things in life. I actually tried to conceive so I would end up with a Taurus baby- it worked (once)!
17) My older son was born at the Maison de Naissance on Cote-des-Neiges. He shares a birthday with his grandfather- they are 70 years apart in age. He’s a Gemini.
18) My younger son was born at home. He missed my grandfather’s birthday by ONE day! But, he managed to wait long enough that he is a Taurus, like me.
19) Both my sons were born without induction or epidural at 41 weeks and 2 days gestation. Ask me about what’s it like to be overdue. Trust me, I can relate.
20) My births have definitely shaped who I am, as well as my work as a doula. I still credit a friend for introducing me to the birthing world by telling me about the book Birthing From Within.
21) I continue to maintain friendships with people I’ve known since preschool. This surprises others and it saddens me that people don’t have old friends like that.
22) I have an older brother and an older sister. They are both just as funny as I am and when together we can’t help but make fun of our parents. My sister is infinitely more intelligent than I am, but I have better hair. My brother is infinitely taller than I am (6’4) but also inherited better common sense.
23) If you give me You Tube and enough time, I can pretty much teach myself anything. So far: knitting, website design and code, babywearing… Next up: to finally speak Italian.
24) I like to torture myself by going to hot yoga because I love it, but only when it’s been enough time that my body forgets how intense it is. If I could go more than 3 times in a month I might actually stick with it.
25) My middle name is Mary. I used to curse it and hate the name. “Megan Mary??!” I’d tell my mother, “I sound like a nun!!” Now, more than 30 years later, I realize middle names are mostly a way to keep the peace within 2 families coming together. So, if you don’t get first choice then at least you can choose the middle name.
26) In our family it’s a tradition to add one birthday candle for good luck. So, I’ve added one extra number so you and I can have some extra good luck. You’re welcome.
Feeling like you want to share with me? Go ahead- in the comments tell me if we’re alike in some way OR tell me something awesome about YOU!
Did this post make you suddenly want to know more about this doula? Get in touch! I’d love to hear from you.